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英语(师范)专业2021级7班 张博雅

Struggle is the Color of Youth

In the vibrant tapestry of youth, struggle is a defining color. It is a testament to the resilience and strength of the new generation as they navigate the challenges of the era. Besides, it is the resolute brushstroke that paints our ideals and convictions with unwavering determination. Actually, struggle is not merely a path, but the very essence that infuses brilliance into our journey through this new era. Guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era by Xi Jinping, we are tasked with the mission of comprehending and integrating this profound ideology into our lives.

Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is a visionary compass for our journey. It emphasizes the importance of remaining true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind. The ideology inspires us to transform this thought into a powerful force that can guide us in our practice, drive our work, and resolve crises. It urges us to stay resolute in our ideals, refine our party nature, and face challenges head-on in our great journey in the new era.

The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era crafted by Xi Jinping provides a unique world view and methodology. It helps us better understand the profound significance of empowering education for China's modernization. By integrating our individual development into the cause of national rejuvenation, we can fully appreciate the intertwined relationship between personal progress and the collective success of our nation.

The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is not merely a theoretical concept, but a practical guide for our lives. It instructs us to maintain a people-centered approach, deepening reforms, and safeguarding the environment. It encourages the youth to carry forward the spirit of struggle, become the pioneers of our times, and contribute to the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. In our struggle, we experience growth and transformation. We learn to face adversity with courage, maintain our ideals amidst the chaos, and stay true to our mission in the face of distractions. The color of struggle in the canvas of youth is a symbol of unwavering determination, tireless diligence, and undying hope. It is a testament to the youth's commitment to understanding and integrating the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into their lives.

Every era has its challenges, and every generation has its mission. Our mission, in this new era, is to deeply understand and apply Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, to answer the modernization questions of our time, and to become a part of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The new era is an era for dream seekers and for young people to realize their dreams. In the new era, the government provides entrepreneurs with strong support, including research and development subsidies and preferential office housing. The sincerity of the state has made many young entrepreneurs full of confidence and motivation. Young people in the new era are determined to devote their best youth to the motherland and the people and run the best results on the track of youth.

When our young people are strong, our country is strong. If the young generation has ideals, ability and responsibility, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope. Over the past century, under the banner of the Communist Party of China, generations of Chinese young people have integrated struggle into the cause of the Party and the people, and become a vanguard force in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Looking back on the past century, no matter how the world changes, the sincere pursuit of Chinese young people to love the Party of the country and the people has never changed.

Chinese youth have always listened to the Party, followed the Party and fought for the Party and the people. Chinese youth have always contributed their strength to the struggle for national independence, the liberation of the people, the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. The central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in building a great modern socialist country in all respects, realizing the second centenary Goal, and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way through Chinese-style modernization. For our young people, this is both the greatest opportunity and the greatest test of life.

In the new era and on a new journey, young people should unswervingly listen to and follow the Party's lead, take the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility, strengthen their ideals and convictions, and bravely shoulder the mission of The Times. We should integrate our individual ideals and pursuits into the cause of the Party and the country. To realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal is a relay race of history, which requires the continuous efforts of generations of aspiring young people. We need to be better ourselves, and we need to strive for a better China.The modernization of China is not just a national task but also a personal responsibility. As we develop our individual capacities, we contribute to the collective progress of our society. We learn to leverage our strengths, work on our weaknesses, and strive for excellence in our respective fields. The journey towards self-improvement is a vital part of the nation's journey towards modernization.

With the development of The Times, let us continue to develop and make progress in society. In this society, we will face a variety of tribulations. In the face of tribulations, do not bow but overcome them to achieve the final victory. In the new era, we should have a persevering and enterprising outlook on life, values and world outlooks. Each of us has his own responsibility and mission. We want to shoulder this responsibility. We must do our own work, make good plans for our own future and prepare for our own life.

In the new era, we have young people who take root in the countryside for the benefit of the people.

After graduation, Huang returned to her hometown to work as the first secretary of the village. For more than a year, she helped the village introduce sugar orange cultivation technology, taught villagers to do e-commerce, and coordinated the construction of garbage ponds in each village. During Huang Wenxiu's tenure, 103 poor households in the village were lifted out of poverty, and the income of the village's collective economic projects doubled.

In the new era, we have young people who sacrifice themselves to save people.

On May 30, 2015, Yang Kezhang rescued a two-year-old child during a fire rescue. However, due to heavy smoke and poor visibility, he stepped on the ground and fell from a building. While falling from the fifth floor, Yang Kezhang held the child and eventually saved the child, but he gave up his life at the age of 27. Later, he was named one of the "Top Ten people who touched China".

In the new era, we also have young people who are not afraid of the virus to bring warmth to medical workers.

In early February 2020, a 24-year-old girl with a chef and ingredients entered Wuhan as a volunteer. She delivers free lunch to hundreds of cooks and medical staff at the hospital every day. At first, she ran around the hospital in a raincoat because she had no protective clothing. She was affectionately known by the medical staff as "Sister Raincoat".

Contemporary college students are a new generation that carries on the past and opens the future. The quality of college students themselves is directly related to the face of China in the 21st century and whether the strategic goal of China's socialist modernization construction can be realized. With the rapid development of science and technology and the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system, it provides a broad stage and space for the growth and development of college students. According to the needs of society, the requirements of The Times to shape themselves, comprehensively improve their own quality, the goal of personal success and the development of the country's organic combination, to be a qualified college student is placed in front of each of our students' arduous tasks and responsibilities.

There’s no doubt that we must have qualified political quality. Next, we must have scientific ideological quality. Contemporary college students should have a scientific world view and methodology, as well as a correct outlook on life and values. Then, we must have a comprehensive scientific and cultural quality. Also, we should have good moral quality. Contemporary college students should cultivate moral concepts that adapt to the development of socialist society, respect others, be good at cooperating with others, enhance collective consciousness, and maintain the stability and continuity of their moral qualities. What’s more, we should have strong working ability and quality. The work ability quality is of college students related to their future work, including good language expression ability, writing expression ability, social communication ability, organization and management ability, work ability and innovation ability. Comprehensive working ability and quality are the needs of the fast-paced, high-frequency and competitive social life in today's society.

As contemporary college students majoring in foreign languages, what can we do for ourselves and our country? How should we undertake the mission of The Times? As a student majoring in a foreign language, I fully realize that a foreign language has the natural advantage of integrating Chinese and Western cultures. We should make full use of this advantage and become an interlocutor who can promote the communication and exchange of Chinese and Western cultures and an envoy who can spread the excellent Chinese culture. This is not only the mission given to foreign language speakers in the new era, but also the responsibility of foreign language speakers.

Our life is not a smooth sunny road, and where is darkness on the road, there are thorns. There will be times when we get lost, and there will be times when we lose our original heart, but as long as we strengthen our inner belief and go forward, we will certainly become a better ourselves, and we will certainly have a better future. Contemporary college students are young people full of vigor and dreams. Only by combining our personal ideals with national development and prosperity can we realize our lives value in serving our country and nation. Only by advancing courageously in the new era can we leave a strong mark in history and belong to our own era.

Youth should be striving and never stop. I firmly believe that struggle is the most beautiful color of youth. It is a symbol of our resilience, our commitment to our ideals, and our contribution to the cause of national rejuvenation. Where there is life, there is struggle. As we continue to learn and grow, we remain committed to embodying the principles of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, making it a powerful force in our lives, and transforming our struggles into the triumphs of tomorrow.

My dear friends: let us from today on, from now on, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, strive to be the era of young people with ideals and beliefs, strive to be the era of young people with knowledge and ability, and strive to be the era of young people with morality and accomplishment. We must vigorously carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, live up to youth, live up to the motherland, and strive to be the new youth in the new era!


英语(师范)专业2022级5班 王璐思航







青年一代应该有勇气,《双城记》中曾说:这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。这个时代好在并无战乱,这个时代在变局太多,虚伪,浮躁,新时代的新青年应当有勇气在定中沉淀发展,在变中进取挑战,大时代的背景是定局我们承担的使命不变,中国肩负的责任不变。我泱泱华夏,有“敦煌女儿”樊锦诗,坚守莫高窟,钻研敦煌文化,她的不忘初心值得坚守,我巍巍中华,有“中国肝胆外科之父”吴孟超院士的大爱济苍生, 造福人类,迎难而上的勇气理应被我们铭记......纵使时代变迁,他们与定局中沉淀自我,造福社会,甚至人类。与定局中努力沉淀,当下中国正处于发展的关键,始终不变的是百年目标,是小康社会,是以人民为中心的根本理念,中国这个大国理应在定局中沉淀发展,为人民谋福利,为世界创辉煌。












英语(师范)专业2022级6班 张梦格



“With the youth of me, create the youth of the family, the youth of the country, the youth of the nation, the youth of humanity, the youth of the earth, the youth of the universe.”


The universe is infinite, and the youth of mankind is eternal. As long as the youth of mankind is there, the youth of the universe is there. The bones of young people in the new era are flowing with the blood of youth and the loyalty of serving the country. Struggle is youth, youth dedicated to the party's distinctive character is also particularly prominent, we should shine youth, let youth luster continue!


What is youth? Youth is the determination to serve the country faithfully, the courage to explore, and the passionate struggle. Xin Qiji of the Southern Song Dynasty devoted his youth to the struggle against the Jin in order to protect the stability of his country and allow the Southern Song Dynasty to recover the Central Plains. The May 4th Patriotic Movement broke out on May 4, 1919, and countless patriotic young people came forward and shouted, awakening a lot of patriotic people; In order to save the insensitive people and destroy the “iron house” that is difficult to destroy, Comrade Li Dazhao died bravely; At the Paris Peace Conference, China's diplomacy failed, Shandong was not assured, and Guo Qinguang, only 24 years old, complained bitterly about the inaction of the Beiyang government, regretting that the situation was troubled, and wrote in blood “return me Qingdao”. In China, where the old ideas are deeply rooted, they bravely stood up and explored the truth of saving the country and the people.


A generation has a generation of long March, a generation has a generation of responsibility, a generation of young people are placed high hopes.


The journey of a hundred years has been magnificent, and the heart of a hundred years has become stronger and stronger. At the meeting point of two hundred years of great history, young people from all walks of life are sweating their youth in their respective posts, blooming youth and living up to their youth, pursuing their dreams and fulfilling their mission. Academician Yuan Longping's passion is only to solve the problem of food and clothing of the people, so that the dream of enjoying the cool can be realized; Huang Wenxiu, who has a master's degree, resolutely returned to his hometown in his beautiful youth to help the villagers get rid of poverty, and then struggled and tired only to let the villagers live a well-off life; There are also countless young volunteers on the road forever, dedicating their youth to the country, society and people.


The future belongs to the youth and hopes are placed on them. One hundred years ago, a group of young people held high the torch of Marxist thought and struggled to explore the future of national rejuvenation in a troubled China. Over the past 100 years, under the banner of the Communist Party of China, generations of Chinese young people have integrated youth struggle into the cause of the Party and the people, and become the vanguard force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The young people of China in the new era should take the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility, strengthen their ambition, backbone, and confidence to be Chinese, and live up to The Times, their youth, and the ardent expectations of the Party and the people.


Today, one hundred years later, the President Xi pointed out in his report to the 20th National Congress that “From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in China in comprehensively building a great modern socialist country, realizing the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization.On the basis of long-term exploration and practice since the founding of New China, especially since reform and opening up, and through innovative breakthroughs in theory and practice since the 18th National Congress, our Party has successfully promoted and expanded Chinese-style modernization.” The people of the whole country and society should strive for this common goal. On the basis of basically realizing modernization, we must continue to strive to build China into a great modern socialist country with leading overall national strength and international influence by the middle of this century.


Chinese-style modernization is a great and arduous undertaking. In the new era, we should grasp the youth, grasp the present, should be armed with the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, should learn the women's soccer team, learn Su Bingtian, learn Academician Yu Min buried in the desert for the country, learn Yang Qian, Quan Hongchan's fighting spirit...... Start from their own, unswervingly, clear the changing fog and heavy color clothing desire lock, combine the ideal and struggle, draw a better blueprint.


At present, China is still in the primary stage of socialism and is the largest developing country in the world. The grand blueprint of the Chinese Dream will be written by us, and the future of China will be borne by our young people. We are closer to, more confident and more capable of realizing the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and we must be prepared to make even more arduous and arduous efforts.


When the youth is strong, the country is strong. The young people of contemporary China are born at the right time. The stage for displaying their talents is very broad, and the prospect for realizing their dreams is very bright. The majority of young people should unswervingly listen to the Party, go with the Party, embrace dreams and down-to-earth, dare to think and do good things, and aspire to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle, so that youth can bloom brilliant flowers in the fiery practice of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.  Use our shining youth to shine bright in the future!


英语(师范)专业2021级2班 贾天宇

The Voice of the Times: Advice to Youth


With the arrival of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we, as the youth of the new era, have been entrusted with a new historical mission and responsibility. In the report of the Party's 20th National Congress mentioned the ardent expectations for young people, in order to live up to the Party and the people, we need to think deeply and answer a question: What kind of new youth do we want to become?


First of all, we should become young people with ideals and beliefs. Ideals and beliefs are the compass of life, which can guarantee that we do not lose our way as we sail toward the beautiful blueprint of building a prosperous, strong and democratic new China. We must always have firm faith in Marxism, faith in socialism, and confidence in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only with such faith and belief can we persevere in the face of difficulties, do not give up in the face of setbacks, and always maintain the momentum and direction of progress.


Secondly, we must become responsible and diligent young people. As the youth of the new era, we must have the courage to shoulder the responsibility and mission entrusted to us by history. We should actively participate in national construction and contribute our strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We should care about society, pay attention to people's livelihood, actively participate in public welfare undertakings, and contribute to social progress with our own actions.


Third, we should become young people with knowledge and ability. The competition in the new era is the competition of knowledge and ability. We should invest more time and energy in learning, and cultivate our comprehensive quality and ability. We should be good at learning, thinking and innovation, and always maintain the desire and pursuit of new knowledge.


Finally, we should become moral and virtuous young people. As the youth of the new era, we must always adhere to the socially accepted moral standards and codes of ethics, and establish a correct world outlook,  outlook on life and values. We should respect others, care for others, help others, and infect and influence the people around us with our kindness and sincerity. We should pay attention to our own self-cultivation and constantly improve our moral level and moral quality.


In the new era, young people should play an active role and make contributions to society. We should closely unite around the Party, constantly learn the theoretical knowledge of the Party, improve our ideological consciousness, and strive to grow into outstanding young people with firm ideals and beliefs, excellent skills and abilities, noble moral qualities, and healthy body and mind.


We should firstly establish the right ideal and belief. As new young people, we must strengthen our belief in Marxism, our belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and our confidence in realizing the Chinese dream of great national renewal. We must always keep a clear head, constantly improve our political quality, clarify our life goals, and find our own beliefs and pursuits.


In addition, we should constantly improve our ability. New young people should keep learning, actively participate in various learning training, social practice, volunteer service and other activities, and constantly learn new knowledge, new skills, new methods, improve their comprehensive quality.


Finally, we should maintain high moral character. As new young people, we should adhere to the socialist core value system, carry forward the excellent traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, inherit and carry forward the socialist core values, practice the basic moral norms of "patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness", pay attention to moral cultivation, improve moral level, and be a young person with high moral quality.


In short, as a new youth, we should make contributions to society under the leadership of the Party, adhere to our ideals and beliefs, improve our ability, maintain a noble moral character, have a healthy body and mind, and strive to grow into the backbone of the socialist cause.


